Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First Leap

Dear New Friends,
      My name is Alaina Shilts, and I manage a kitchen of a restaurant and bar in Oshkosh, WI. I'm 20 years old and I live with my boyfriend in Kimberly, WI. I come from a small town in northern WI where the mosquitoes always bite, the beer's always cold and our idea of a vacation is the nearest campground. 
     I'm here for multiple reasons: A) To Learn. I know next to nothing about blogging which is my first and foremost reason for writing, but more importantly I'm here to learn about food and about life. B) To Relax. I'm not a very vocal person, so I believe writing some of my thoughts down will help to relieve some stress and take some of the heavy weights of responsibility off of my mind, if only for just a little while. C) To Grow - As both a chef and a person. That's just who I am - someone who wants to be the best she can be. Blogging will improve my skills of listening, then learning, then (hopefully) cooking, and becoming a success in my field. And of course there's always also just plain curiosity!  
     Don't get me wrong though, I'm not here for just me. Another passion of mine is being able to help people. I want to be able to provide as much knowledge and wisdom that I have gained, as well as soaking in every bit of info that I possibly can. Even if I can't bring anything of intellectual value to the table, I at least want to be able to bring some humor and happiness to people. Happiness is my ultimate goal, as I believe everyone's should be. 
      With all being said, I am certainly hoping to get some feedback from anyone interested enough to read what I have to say. But, if nothing else, this is just something I feel like I need to do, and I'm going to continue to do so at my own pace and my own will. 
     As of now, I feel like my first blog is coming to completion and hopefully you all understand the summary of me.


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